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How to List DNS Resolvers Across All Mac and Linux Devices

Using Kolide, you can easily view and query DNS Resolvers across your fleet.


DNS is the system by which names (like are translated into IP addresses. DNS resolvers specify which DNS server should be used for different network addresses. Organizations may want to specify different DNS resolvers to resolve domain names that may be hosted behind a VPN or otherwise resolvable by public internet DNS servers.

What DNS Resolver Data Can Kolide Collect?

Kolide's endpoint agent bundles in osquery to efficiently collect DNS Resolvers from Mac and Linux devices in your fleet. Once collected, Kolide will parse, clean up, and centrally store this data in Inventory for your team to view, query, or export via API.

Kolide meticulously documents every piece of data returned so you can understand the results.

DNS Resolvers Schema

Column Type Description
id Primary Key

Unique identifier for the object

device_id Foreign Key

Device associated with the entry

device_name Text

Display name of the device associated with the entry

address Text

Resolver IP/IPv6 address

netmask Text

Address netmask length. When using sortlist, this might look something like sortlist, where and are the network address/netmask pairs.

options Text

The binary representaion that is the bit mask containing the bitwise "OR" of the options enabled. Run man resolver for a list of resolver options

resolver_order Integer

Address type index or order

resolver_type Enum::Text

The type of DNS resolver

Can be one of the following:

  • nameserver - Server that the system should use for domain name resolution
  • sortlist - Used to move matching IP addresses in DNS responses to the front of the result list with the intention that applications will use them preferentially
  • search - A list of domains to be appended to hostnames that are not fully qualified, in order to resolve them into IP addresses
collected_at Timestamp

Time the row of data was first collected in the database

updated_at Timestamp

Time the row of data was last changed in the database

What Can You Do With This Information?

Kolide enables you to write your own queries against the data the agent collects. This allows you to build your own reports and API endpoints. For example, you can:

List public DNS nameservers used by the host
Kolide SQL
FROM device_dns_resolvers
    address::inet <<= '' OR
    address::inet <<= '' OR
    address::inet <<= '' OR
    address::inet <<= ''
) AND device_dns_resolvers.resolver_type = 'nameserver';
Example Results
id address netmask options device_id updated_at device_name collected_at resolver_type resolver_order
3 32 11011000001 2 2023-12-17T00:26:39.906Z Jasons-MacBook-Pro-2 2023-12-17T00:26:39.906Z nameserver 0

Why Should I Collect DNS Resolvers?

Collecting DNS resolvers can help IT administrators ensure that computers are correctly configured to successfully access internal or otherwise non-public resources, such as company IRC, database or git servers.

End-User Privacy Consideration

Kolide practices Honest Security. We believe that data should be collected from end-user devices transparently and with privacy in mind.

DNS resolvers are unlikely to contain personal information, unless you have a unique DNS resolver setup for personal or private reasons.

When you use Kolide to list DNS Resolver data from end-user devices, Kolide gives the people using those devices insight into exactly what data is collected, the privacy implications, and who on the IT team can see the data. This all happens in our end-user privacy center which can be accessed directly by employees.

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